Web and Mobile DesignAndroid App SafeWeather Safe Weather is extensively easy to use an app for staying updated with the weather condition. With just one tap, one can receive the weather for their current location. It also provides current weather condition, relative humidity, current temperature, atmospheric pressure and wind speed, in addition to six days future forecast and […]

Medrinaline App
Web and Mobile DesignAndroid App Medrinaline App A social network application for medical professionals, where they get many feature to discuss about new disease, medicine etc. Previous Next Detail Description Medrinaline is a platform for all medical industries, idea is to bring all medical profession to one common platform where they can discuss about new disease, medicine etc.In […]
Medrinaline Website
Web and Mobile DesignWebsite Medrinaline Website design & Development Previous Next Detail Description Medrinaline is a platform for medicos, of medicos, by a medico passionate to bring all medical professionals together. We cannot learn everything we need to, from textbooks and clinic hours.

Heartburn and Hangovers
Web and Mobile DesignAndroid App Heartburn and Hangovers This is the first app that is designed to help people with heartburn, digestive issues or even hangovers. By partnering with Amazon Prime Now we can get products to you within 60 minutes in most locations. We are the creators of Axia3 ProDigestive antacid. We are proud to say that […]

Love Point
Web and Mobile DesignWebsite Love Point This website is basically build on concept of matrimonial. In this website anyone can come to website and create their profile, once profile has been confirmed a user can start searching for their life partner, for searching user will get various option to search from based on match result will be displayed. […]
Web and Mobile DesignAndroid App Tiffinmart This project is built for two kinds of users, the one who wants tiffin and another one will be who prepare tiffin. The user who want tiffin they can select from whom they want tiffin, also they can specify on which day they want tiffin and who date they won’t so tiffin […]